Remember that accident you had 3 years ago? Or was it 4 years ago? Tough to recall when it happened, eh?
When people call me for a car insurance quote, one of the questions that I have to ask is if they have had any accidents, especially at-fault accidents because at-faults accidents affect their rating.
Often, I’ll get an answer like I had one “a couple of years ago” or “four or five years ago” or something else along those lines.
This doesn’t help. Here’s why – One of the main factors for car insurance rating for most companies is how many full years it has been since your last at-fault accident. That’s why the date matters. If you don’t know the exact date, you should at least know how many full years it has been, as full years is what affects the rating. So, even saying that you had an accident “two years ago” doesn’t help. Was it at least two years ago? That’s what we need to know.
So, before you call for a quote, look back and find the date of the accident. It will make all the difference in the world to get an accurate rate.