
Are You Covered For Accidents In The United States ?

A lot of people may not know this but, YES…

You are covered for accidents in the United states…

As long as you have a valid insurance policy.

Here’s the deal – Your Ontario car insurance policy covers you for accidents across Canada and the continental U.S.

So, if you’re one of those people that crosses the border at, say, Niagara Falls for, say, day trips to the American outlet malls, you’ll be covered in the event of an accident. Even if you go for long road-trips across the continent, you’ll still be covered.

Now, you might not know what to do if an accident happens while outside of the province, but it’s easy – Just treat it the same way as if it happened close to home. You should call your insurance company immediately (Don’t wait until you get home to do so) – Most liability slips will have a toll-free claims number printed on them. Call that number.

If your car is damaged to the point of being unable to drive it, you could even get a rental car, as long as your policy covers you for it.

I hope that gives you some peace of mind… Happy driving!

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