
Driver Has 3 Or More Minor Convictions In The Last 3 Years

Did you recently get a car insurance non-renewal letter from your insurance company for having too many convictions? If you have, understand that this is normal.

In Ontario most insurance companies non-renew your policy when you have 3 or more tickets. That likely sounds quite strict to you. After all, cops love to give it tickets, especially speeding tickets, right? I agree. But those are the rules.

Ontario car insurance non-renewal – Driver has 3 or more minor convictions in the last 3 years

For a car insurance company to cancel your insurance policy in Ontario, they have to send you a letter that states the reason. The declination letter might read something like this:

“We have reviewed the above policy. Please be advised that we are unable to renew the policy as it no
longer meets our underwriting guidelines due to the following reason(s):

As per rule 1a, we will decline to issue, terminate or refuse to renew a contract of insurance for the
following reason(s): Driver has 3 or more minor convictions in the preceding 3 years.

Under the Insurance Act, we are required to give you at least 30 days notice of our intention to non-renew.”

Of course, this letter would be specifically for someone that is being non-renewed for 3 or more tickets. There are many other things that a driver might be non-renewed for, including having too many at-fault accidents.

What do you do when you’ve had too many tickets?

You call us! We are high risk insurance brokers. We have cheap car insurance rates for people that fit into the “high risk” category for having too many tickets.

Call us for a quote st 1-888-467-5499.

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