Auto Insurance In Etobicoke
Sometimes good drivers make mistakes. Have you heard this before? It’s true.
Most insurance companies in Ontario won’t insure drivers that are considered high risk. High risk to any individual insurance company would be whatever their specific underwriting guidelines say that they won’t accept on a new auto insurance policy. It could be something as simple as, say, they won’t insure a driver that has had three or more tickets in the last three years or two or, say, more at-fault accidents in the last six years.
Many good drivers can have three tickets or two accidents. A mistake shouldn’t be judged so harshly.
That’s where we come in. We’re high risk insurance brokers, experts in high risk car insurance. We have many clients in Etobicoke, as well as across the rest of the GTA. If you’ve been labelled a high risk driver and live in Etobicoke, call us for a quote or fill out the contact form on this page and we’ll call you.
Rates in Etobicoke are good
Certain areas of Toronto have higher insurance rates than others. For example, people that live downtown pay relatively less than people that live in, say, Rexdale, and people that live in Etobicoke generally pay less than people that live in, say, Scarborough. So, as an Etobicoke driver, you can expect to pay less than people in other certain parts of the city.
Who should call for a car insurance quote?
We can insure people that have the following on their record:
- People with multiple tickets like speeding, following to closely, and fail to stop at stop sign.
- People with multiple accidents/claims.
- People with serious convictions like DUI/impaired/over 80, refuse breathalyzer, and careless driving.
- People with major tickets like distracted driving, using a hand held device, and passing a school bus.
- People with license suspensions.
- People with insurance policy cancellations due to non payment.
If this describes you, give us a call. We know you’re a good driver. Good drivers makes mistakes too.