
How Do Americans Get Car Insurance In Canada?

Are you American and moving to Canada? If so, i will tell you what you need to do to get car insurance in this country.

I’m a car insurance broker in Ontario. I’ll tell what to do if you’re specifically moving to Ontario. It’s basically the same process in any other province, though.

Get a letter of experience

First off, and the most important part, get what’s called a “letter of experience” from your current or most recent car insurance company in the U.S. This is a document that will be on company letterhead and will state how long you’ve been insured with them and will list any claims that you have had while insured with them. Without this document, you’ll be rated as a brand-new driver in Ontario, meaning that your rates will be high. So get it! Your insurance company will know what a letter of experience is; you just have to ask them for it and they will email it to you.

Transfer your license to Ontario

Next, you’ll need to transfer your American driver’s license to an Ontario driver’s license. To do this, go to a Service Ontario location. Service Ontario is equivalent to the DMV in the United States. Bring your American driver’s license and they will help you transfer it to an Ontario license.

This page will help you find a Service Ontario location near you.

That’s it. Then call an insurance broker to get a quote and set up a new policy. I highly suggest calling me because I’m awesome!

I deal with 18 different car insurance companies and I will try to find the best rate for you when you call me for a quote. My number is 1-888-467-5499. I look forward to hearing from you.

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