
Best Insurance Companies For High Risk Drivers

What’s the best insurance company for high risk drivers?

By best, I’m sure you mean to ask which one has the lowest rate?

That’s a tough question. Actually, it’s not really that tough, just tough to answer in layman’s terms.

No one company has the best rates for all drivers

Well, here’s my answer – No one insurance company in Ontario always has the best rates for every high risk driver.

Where one insurance company might have the best rates for high risk drivers in, say, Pickering, that same insurance company might have the worst rates for high risk drivers in, say, Oakville. Where one insurance company might have the best rate for drivers with five minor tickets in Toronto, that same insurance company might have the worst rates for drivers with five minor tickets in Barrie.

What I’m getting at is, if you change one rating factor, the company with the best rates for a certain driver might not be so great anymore. Factors that can affect the rate are tickets, accidents, postal code, age of driver, non-payment cancellations, and so on.

Which company has the best rates for you?

So, if you are a high risk driver, the only way to find out which company has the best rates for you is to get a quote with all of the high risk insurance companies that operate in Ontario. I can quote all of them. So call me. My phone number is at the top of this page.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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