
Kitchener High Risk Insurance Broker

Looking For A High Risk Insurance Broker In Kitchener, Ontario?

You’ve come to the right place!

I’m a broker that does car insurance quotes for drivers that other insurance companies consider to be high risk drivers. Just call the number at the top of this page for a cheap quote or fill out the contact form and I will call you. I’d love to talk to you!

I have been a broker since 2001 and have many clients in Kitchener, Ontario. Of course, I don’t just insure people in Kitchener, I also insure people in surrounding areas, like Waterloo, New Hamburg, Stratford, St Jacobs, as well as all people in the rest of Ontario too.

What makes you high risk?

“High risk” is just a term to mean that you don’t fall into a certain insurance company’s underwriting criteria. For example, their underwriting criteria might save that if you have had three or more minor convictions in the prior three years, they will not insure you. That means that you are too high of a risk for them to take you on.

Generally, most insurance companies will consider you to be high risk if you have one of the following:

  • 3 or more minor tickets in 3 years (eg. speeding).
  • 1 or more major or serious conviction in the last 3 years (eg. Impaired Driving).
  • 2 or more at-fault accidents in the last 6 year.
  • 1 or more cancellations due to non-payment in the last 3 years.

Of course, this list is just a general list that most insurance companies follow. Every insurance company will be a lot more specific as to what they consider to be a high risk driver.

Kitchener has cheap rates

Of course, you’re also probably worried that your rates will be really high now that you’re considered high risk. That’s not necessarily true. The further you are from Toronto, the cheaper your rates are. Kitchener is far enough from Toronto that the rates are pretty good, even if you’re considered to be high risk.

So call. I’m waiting to quote you!

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