
Nordic Insurance Quotes Ontario (Nordique)

Are you looking to get a car or truck insurance quote with Nordic Insurance?

No problem. We can do that.

But first, do you know what Nordic Insurance is? Let me tell you…

Ontario’s “Take All Comers” Rule

In Ontario, you cannot be refused car insurance. Car insurance is mandatory. However, that’s not to say that individual insurance companies cannot refuse to offer you car insurance.

An insurance company like, say, TD Insurance, has specific underwriting rules for new and existing customers. For example, one of those underwriting rules might be that any driver with three or more tickets in the past three years will not qualify to be insured with them. They would refuse to insure these drivers and will also cancel their renewal. They would consider these drivers to be “high risk.”

However, TD cannot refuse to offer insurance. That’s where Ontario’s “take all comers” rule comes in. Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act has a section called “Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act.” The act states that all drivers need car insurance to drive on the province’s roadways. It’s mandatory. Seeing as car insurance is mandatory in Ontario, insurance companies have to be able to insure all drivers.

Now, when TD Insurance declines to insure a driver that they consider to be high risk, they still have to be able to offer them insurance through the Facility Asssociation, a pool of all Ontario insurance companies that share the risk for what they deem to be the riskiest drivers to insure. Nordic Insurance underwrites policies for the Facility Association.

That’s basically what Nordic Insurance is – Insurance of last resort – They insure the drivers that the rest of the insurance companies in Ontario decline to insure.

Nordic Insurance Insures The Riskiest High Risk Drivers

As long as you’re licensed to drive, Nordic insurance will insure you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had 30 tickets, a dozen at-fault accidents, multiple major/serious convictions like DUI, impaired, careless driving, driving while suspended, racing, stunting, driving without insurance, racing, speeding, or anything else, you can get a quote with Nordic.

Call us for a quote. We can insure you with Nordic Insurance.

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