
The Most Expensive Car Insurance Policy Ever?!?

Oh man, I feel sooooo bad…

You know, I pride myself on being able to offer awesome insurance rates. Often, I have the best rates around…

But every now and then, you run into a situation where no insurance company wants to insure a particular driver (At a reasonable rate, that is).

So today, I get a call for a quote – 20-year-old male from Milton, G2 license; Ontario; 2000 Honda; 1 at-fault accident; 1 careless driving ticket.

here are a few things working against this particular person – The main things are that he’s a male and under 25-years-of-age. When you combine that with the fact he’s only been driving a few short years and he already has a serious ticket and an accident, it equals high rates.

But who could have even imagined how high his rates would be? Seriously, I’m embarrassed to even post it here.

How Much?

OK, here it goes… I quoted him $27,000 for a one-year policy.

$27,000!?! That might just be the most expensive insurance policy EVER!

Just so you know, he didn’t take the policy. How could he? Seriously, I still can’t get over how high the quote was. I feel bad for the guy.

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